Configuration Classes

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The following classes are used to create objects which are employed as arguments to various functions within the library. Many of these can be generated for you using the Configuration Factory.


Objects of this type define optional details for building binaries from .py scripts using the PyInstaller utility invoked via the buildExecutable function (which maybe employed by higher level
Process Classes under the hood).

Note that if a PyInstSpec attribute is provided for one of these objects, the build settings contained within that will override any which conflict with those specified via the attributes set directly on the PyInstallerConfig object. PyInstSpec objects may be created by supplying a traditional (perhaps legacy) spec file definition, or you may wish to generate one with distbuilder via the makePyInstSpec() function.
In either case, you may also opt to dynamically manipulate the spec via the implementation of that class.



Attributes & default values:

pyInstallerPath = <python scripts directory>/pyinstaller

name            = None   
entryPointPy    = None

pyInstSpec      = None

isGui           = False
iconFilePath    = None

versionInfo     = None
versionFilePath = None

distDirPath     = None    
isOneFile       = True     (note this differs from PyInstaller default)

importPaths     = []
hiddenImports   = []
dataFilePaths   = []
binaryFilePaths = []

isAutoElevated  = False        
otherPyInstArgs = ""  (open ended argument string)

(Not directly fed into the utility. Employed by buildExecutable function.)
_pngIconResPath = None
distResources   = []
distDirs        = [] 
isSpecFileRemoved = False


Objects of this type are used for PyInstaller "hook" script creation, and programmatic manipulation. Such hooks are executed during a PyInstaller analyis process when an import is encountered with a matching hook name. The purpose of a hook is to help PyInstaller find and collect resources it would otherwise not know to include in the bundle.

Hooks are commonly installed by third party libraries for use across your Python environment whenever you employ PyInstaller. It is also possible to use custom hooks during a given a build process via the PyInstaller option --additional-hooks-dir (though that parameter does not override a hook which is registered for the system on the whole...)

If you are working in a context in which you can manipulate the build environment freely, the use of hooks is arguably a better means by which to gather resources for a distribition rather than by adding them through
PyInstallerConfig attributes hiddenImports, dataFilePaths, binaryFilePaths, etc.

Use cases for this class include: adding hooks to patch a build process, replacing bad hooks installed on your system, or to simply revisw them for some additional custom need.

For more on hooks, see: Understanding PyInstaller Hooks


PyInstHook( name, script=None )

Attributes & default values:

name         = *required     
script       = None
hooksDirPath = None

Object Methods:




fromLines( lines )
injectLine( injection, lineNo )


The name attribute should simply specify the name of import which invokes the script. The name should not contain the literal "hook-" file name prefix, or a .py file extension.

hooksDirPath = This may be override, as needed. If left as the default None, the path will be automatically resolved.


Objects of this type are used for PyInstaller spec file parsing, and programmatic manipulation. This class provides an easy mechanism for applying known PyInstaller patches, as well as convenient mechanisms for applying custom revisions for similar purposes.


PyInstSpec( filePath=None, pyInstConfig=None, content=None )

Attributes & default values:

filePath     = None
pyInstConfig = None 
content      = None

Static Method:

cfgToPath( pyInstConfig )

Object Methods:




fromLines( lines )
injectLine( injection, lineNo )




Objects of this type define meta data branded into Windows executables. This is the object type intended for PyInstallerConfig.versionInfo attributes.



Attributes & default values:

major = 0
minor = 0
micro = 0
build = 0
companyName = ""
productName = ""
description = ""
exeName     = ""

Static Methods:


Object Methods:



Objects of this type provide the highest level definition of a QtIFW installer configuration to use for building an installer via the buildInstaller function (which maybe employed by higher level
Process Classes under the hood).


QtIfwConfig( installerDefDirPath=None,
             setupExeName="setup" )

Attributes & default values:

installerDefDirPath = None

packages            = None <list of QtIfwPackages OR directory paths>
configXml           = None  
controlScript       = None

setupExeName        = "setup"

<other IFW command line options>
isDebugMode    = True
otherQtIfwArgs = ""


Objects of this type define the contents of a QtIFW config.xml which will be dynamically generated when invoking the buildInstaller function.

The config.xml file represents the highest level definition of a QtIFW installer, containing information such as the product name and version. Most of the attributes in this class correspond directly to the name of the tags added to the xml file.
Attributes set to None values will not be written, otherwise they will be.


QtIfwConfigXml( name, version, publisher,
                companyTradeName=None )


primaryContentExe (used indirectly w/ isGui)    
iconFilePath  (used indirectly)
companyTradeName (used indirectly)


InstallerApplicationIcon  (icon base name, i.e. omit extension)

runProgramArgList  (used indirectly)

otherElements (open ended dictionary of key/value pairs to inject)


setPrimaryContentExe( ifwPackage )

addCustomTags( root )





QtIfw installers may have a "Control Script" and/or a collection of "Package Scripts". The "Control Script" is intended to dictate how the installer interface behaves, and other high level logic pertaining to the installer itself. In contrast, "Package Scripts" are intended for applying custom logic to manipulate a target environment when installing a given package. See QtIfwPackageScript for more info.

The QtIfwControlScript class provides an abstraction layer for QtIfw script generation. QtIfw scripts are written in Qt Script (which is conceptually a spin off from JavaScript), with additional custom objects and methods for this context. Using this abstraction, you can achieve a great many custom behaviors without having to learn much about the language yourself. Refer to the details on Installer Scripting to learn more about the low level helpers provided by the library for this purpose.

For maximum flexibility, rather than using the dynamic methods, you may directly define the entire script via a raw string, by setting the script attribute. Or, you may specify an external file as the source instead via script_path. In addition, you may always delegate scripts to a traditional QtIfw definition by using a higher level configuration QtIfwConfig to specify such.

The way this class works, in summary, is that you may provide an optional script as a raw string, or a path to script you wish to load directly. If specified, those resources act as a base, from which you may continue to add on to.

A QtIfw control script is "driven" by the builtin framework. When a given "event" occurs a "handler" function is invoked (if it has been defined). QtIfwControlScript object has a set of attributes related to each page and such event/handler pair in the framework. One is a boolean, controlling the "visibility" of the page. Setting that to False skips over that wizard page entirely. Another boolean is provided, dictating whether to auto generate the event handler using a set of fixed, built-in logic provided by distbuilder to add a notable amount of additional features to your installers "for free". The final attribute in this pattern is the body of the event handler (normally auto generated), which allows for an atomic replacement of that code.

When the write() function is invoked, the actual script file to be embedded in the installer is generated from the attributes. Prior to calling that, you may switch off the various auto generate options, and supply your own function definition from scratch.

If you wish to use the bulk of the "free" / standard add on logic, but then customize that the program flow should be to call _generate() first, which will define the function bodies using the auto generate options. Once that is done, you may disable select auto generates, and then directly add on to, or manipulate the event handling function bodies.

A large number of abstract, static "helper" functions have been provided which you may use to build your logic. Otherwise, you may certainly just add Qt Script snippets directly in the raw. See Installer Scripting.

The virtualArgs attribute is a dictionary, containing key/values which allows for hard coding Standard Installer Arguments into the installer, which are typically passed at runtime via the command line.


QtIfwControlScript( fileName="installscript.qs",                  
                    script=None, scriptPath=None,
                    virtualArgs={} ) :

Attributes & default values:

virtualArgs = virtualArgs

uiPages = []

controllerGlobals = None
isAutoGlobals = True

controllerConstructorBody = None
isAutoControllerConstructor = True

isIntroductionPageVisible = True                                                                                                                                
introductionPageCallbackBody = None
isAutoIntroductionPageCallback = True

isTargetDirectoryPageVisible = True
targetDirectoryPageCallbackBody = None
isAutoTargetDirectoryPageCallback = True

isComponentSelectionPageVisible = True
componentSelectionPageCallbackBody = None
isAutoComponentSelectionPageCallback = True

isLicenseAgreementPageVisible = True
licenseAgreementPageCallbackBody = None
isAutoLicenseAgreementPageCallback = True

isStartMenuDirectoryPageVisible = True
startMenuDirectoryPageCallbackBody = None
isAutoStartMenuDirectoryPageCallback = True

isReadyForInstallationPageVisible = True
readyForInstallationPageCallbackBody = None
isAutoReadyForInstallationPageCallback = True

isPerformInstallationPageVisible = True
performInstallationPageCallbackBody = None
isAutoPerformInstallationPageCallback = True

isFinishedPageCallbackBody = True        
finishedPageCallbackBody = None
isAutoFinishedPageCallback = True

isRunProgVisible = True
isRunProgInteractive = True

Object Methods:



registerAutoPilotSlot( signalName, slotName, slotBody )



Objects of this type define the packages with an installer. A QtIfwConfig contains a list of these. Notably, these package objects define the source content to be included in the installer via srcDirPath or simply srcExePath attributes. They also contain QtIfwPackageXml and QtIfwPackageScript objects, for extended configuration details.


QtIfwPackage( pkgId=None, pkgType=None, name=None, 
              srcDirPath=None, srcExePath=None,    
              resBasePath=None, isTempSrc=False,
              pkgXml=None, pkgScript=None,
              uiPages=[] )


<internal id / type>
pkgId           = None       
pkgType         = None

<QtIFW definition>
name            = None
pkgXml          = None
pkgScript       = None
uiPages         = []

<source content>        
srcDirPath    = None <package ENTIRE source directory>
srcExePath    = None
resBasePath   = None
distResources = None    
isTempSrc     = False

<destination content>
subDirName  = None
exeName     = None   
exeWrapper  = None

<other configuration details>
isGui       = False
qtCppConfig = None



Static Functions:



Objects of this type define the a QtIFW package.xml file which will be dynamically generated when invoking the buildInstaller function. This file defines a component within the installer which maybe selected by the user to install. Most of the attributes in these objects correspond directly to the name of tags added to the xml. Attributes set to None values will not be written, otherwise they will be.


QtIfwPackageXml( pkgName, displayName, description, version, 
               scriptName=None, isDefault=True )

Attributes & default values:

pkgName = <required>

DisplayName    = <required>
Description    = <required>
Version        = <required>            
Script         = None 
Default        = True
ReleaseDate    =
UserInterfaces = []


addCustomTags( root )





QtIFW installers may have a "Control Script" and/or a collection of "Package Scripts". The "Control Script" is intended to dictate how the installer interface behaves, and other high level logic pertaining to the installer itself. In contrast, "Package Scripts" are intended for applying custom logic to manipulate a target environment when installing a given package. See QtIfwControlScript for more info.

Objects of the type QtIfwPackageScript are used to dynamically generate a script used by a QtIFW package. Refer to the details on Installer Scripting to learn more about the low level helpers provided by the library for this purpose.

For maximum flexibility, rather than using the dynamic methods, you may directly define the entire script via a raw string, by setting the script attribute. Or, you may specify an external file as the source instead via script_path. In addition, you may always delegate scripts to a traditional QtIFW definition by using a higher level configuration QtIfwConfig to specify such.

This class works in an analogous manner to QtIfwControlScript. Please refer to the that documentation for an explanation of how use these script objects in general.

Note that QtIfwShortcut objects are used for the shortcuts attribute of this class, QtIfwExternalOp objects are used for the externalOps attribute of this class.


QtIfwPackageScript( pkgName, 
                    shortcuts=[], externalOps=[], uiPages=[],
                    script=None, scriptPath=None )

Attributes & default values:

pkgName  = <required>
fileName = "installscript.qs"

script = None <or loaded via scriptPath>

shortcuts   = []
uiPages     = []

externalOps = []
customOperations = None

killFirstExes  = None
killLastExes   = None
isKillElevated = True

packageGlobals = None
isAutoGlobals = True

componentConstructorBody = None
isAutoComponentConstructor = True

componentLoadedCallbackBody = None
isAutoComponentLoadedCallback = True

componentCreateOperationsBody = None
isAutoComponentCreateOperations = True

<Linux Only>
isAskPassProgRequired = False


These shortcut objects are use by QtIfwPackageScript objects, to create shortcuts on the installation target environments.


QtIfwShortcut( productName=QT_IFW_PRODUCT_NAME, 
               command=None, args=[], 
               exeDir=QT_IFW_TARGET_DIR, exeName=None, 
               isGui=True, pngIconResPath=None )

Attributes & default values:

productName       = "@ProductName@" <QtIfw Built-in Variable>
command           = None    
exeDir            = "@TargetDir@" <QtIfw Built-in Variable>
exeName           = None
args              = None

isGui             = True <used in Mac / Linux>

windowStyle       = None <used in Windows>

exeVersion        = "" <used in Linux>        
pngIconResPath    = None <used in Linux>

isAppShortcut     = True
isDesktopShortcut = False


This class is used to represent shell command / external utility invocations.
It is employed by QtIfwPackageScript to add operations to the installation, and/or uninstallation, process of the package to which those operations are associated.

This simple example (for *nix based systems), may serve well to clarify how this class is intended to be used:

filePath = joinPathQtIfw( QT_IFW_HOME_DIR, "test.txt" )     
createFileOp = QtIfwExternalOp( exePath="touch",          args=[filePath],
                                uninstExePath="rm", uninstArgs=[filePath] )         
pkg.pkgScript.externalOps = [ createFileOp ]

This purpose of this class should not be confused with the Installer Scripting function execute( binPath, args ).
While that is also a means to invoke sub processes and shell commands from QtIWF, that is more generally used in a "Controller scripting" context for on demand, often conditional and/or dynamic needs. More to the point, QtIfwExternalOp objects are bound directly to packages and to install/uninstall events, where the QScript execute function can be dropped into installation scripts anywhere, in an unrestricted manner.


QtIfwExternalOp( exePath=None, args=[], successRetCodes=[0],  
                 uninstExePath=None, uninstArgs=[], uninstRetCodes=[0],
                 isElevated=False, workingDir=QT_IFW_TARGET_DIR,
                 onErrorMessage=None )

Attributes & default values:

    exePath         = None
    args            = []
    successRetCodes = [0]

    uninstExePath   = None
    uninstArgs      = []
    uninstRetCodes  = [0]

    isElevated      = False 
    workingDir      = QT_IFW_TARGET_DIR

    onErrorMessage  = None


QtIfw will execute these operations synchronously.
By default, if the return code from the sub process is not 0, this is treated as an installation error. To expand the options for what is viewed as a "success", or can at least be ignored, the attributes successRetCodes, and uninstRetCodes, allow specifying lists of codes for either the installation or uninstallation processes, respectively.

The QtIfwPackageScript attribute externalOps is a list to be executed in order. Note that during uninstallation, that list is processed in reverse order. It is possible (and common), to define operations as only for installation or only for uninstallation. Having direct counterparts is not required. When defining an externalOps list with "pure uninstallation" actions, you should especially keep the reverse order of such operations in mind.


This class provides a means to "wrap" your exe inside of additional external layers. Such layers may take different forms, and be nested inside of one another. The benefit of this is to impose a specific environment and or set of parameters onto the exe without having to modify it internally. These options work cross platform, and could be slapped over the top of a program written in any language. You may, in fact, even wrap third-party (pre-compiled) programs in these layers!

The easiest way to use this class is to set some of its basic attributes. For example, workingDir, isElevated, envVars, or args. The approach taken by the library is to use the "lightest touch" possible. If you simply changed the default values for those example attributes, their shortcuts (on applicable platforms) and the way QtIFW would run the program post installation, would be altered to provided the functionality.

The most flexible attribute you may impose is a wrapperScript layer. This is an ExecutableScript object, used to produce a persistent "companion" to your binary. Executing the script rather then the binary itself would be the intended means for launching the program. If this attribute is set, "shortcuts" which would normally point a user to the binary, will instead run this wrapper layer. On Windows, this (normally) equates to having a batch file companion. On Linux, a shell script companion is created (with an explicit .sh extension). On macOS, a shell script with no extension is embedded into the .app file when producing a gui application, else the same design used on Linux is employed for non-gui programs.

The application of a wrapper script of this nature is not entirely uncommon - especially on Linux. As an example, when deploying Qt C++ applications on Linux which are dynamically linked, the standard procedure (per Qt documentation) is to use this (slightly modifed) shell script to load the required libraries:

appname=`basename "$0" | sed s,\.sh$,,`
dirname=`dirname "$0"`
if [ "${dirname%$tmp}" != "/" ]; then
"$dirname/$appname" "$@"

Other ways for using a wrapper like this include automatically detecting dependencies, and then downloading and installing them as needed. Or, doing something similar for updates to your software. Using a wrapper, you could launch a "companion application" along side the primary target. You could start a background service, or open help documentation... The possibilities are really boundless.

Note: On Windows and Linux desktops (e.g. Ubuntu) for a gui application with shortcuts,
the "built-in wrapper" features (workingDir, isElevated, envVars, args) maybe used in combination with a custom wrapperScript, as those options are applied via the shortcut launching the script OR the executable. On macOS, however, if using a custom script, you will have to manually include these other features in that script, as the way they are applied automatically by distibuilder is through the generation of one. If doing this, the easiest approach maybe to first use the built-ins without the custom script, and then duplicate the pertinent parts in your own. Alternately, you could programmatically manipulate the wrapperScript attribute referencing an ExecutableScript generated for you by this class upon it's construction or upon a call to refresh().


QtIfwExeWrapper( exeName, isGui=False, 
                 exeDir=QT_IFW_TARGET_DIR, workingDir=None, 
                 args=None, envVars=None, isElevated=False )

Attributes & default values:

    exeName = <required>        
    isGui   = False

    wrapperScript = None

    exeDir        = "@TargetDir@" <QtIfw Built-in Variable>
    workingDir    = None  <None=don't impose here, use QT_IFW_TARGET_DIR via other means>

    args          = None      
    envVars       = None         
    isElevated    = False

    _winPsStartArgs = None  <Windows only>

    <Auto defined via refresh>




A great deal can be done to customize the way an installer's interface works by simply adding custom scripts. There are limitations, however, to that approach.

This class is used to completely overwrite, or add, custom pages to an installer. The content of the pages are defined as Qt "forms", i.e. .ui (xml) files which adhere to the Qt UI file format. While it is possible to manually create such forms, typically such files
are machine generated using a WYSIWYG tool from within Qt Creator or Qt Designer.


QtIfwUiPage( name, pageOrder=None, 
             sourcePath=None, content=None,
             onLoad=None, onEnter=None )


name           = <required>
pageOrder      = None

content        = None
replacements   = {}

onLoad         = None
_incOnLoadBase = True
onEnter        = None       
supportFuncs   = {}


resolve( qtIfwConfig )
write( dirPath )


name: This identifier will be used to name a .ui file containing the form, and to reference the page widget within any scripting.

If you wish to replace a default page, set the name for an object of this type to QT_IFW_REPLACE_PAGE_PREFIX concatenated with one of the following page name constants:


Conversely, to add a new page, give it some other name and specify the pageOrderusing one the constants above.

pageOrder: If not a replacement, the page will be added added BEFORE this specified page.

onLoad: Qt Script snippet invoked when loading the page into memory, before showing it.

onEnter: Qt Script snippet invoked upon showing the page.

_incOnLoadBase: Protected Note, this is enabled by default. When this is set to True, some auto generated script will be added to the installer, which will execute prior to onLoad. This "base" script will dynamically resize the page, so it fits properly on each alternate platform's version of the installer. It is recommended you leave this in place, unless you are overwriting it. The effect of having this in place will additionally be to create a var page, which refers to this page. The OnLoadScript may then make use of that variant to access the page widget or the child widgets on it.

supportFuncs: Qt Script "support functions" dictionary containing entries in the form: name:body. The typical use case for this attribute involves the onLoad script connecting events to handlers. The supportFuncs then provide the handler definitions.

replacements: A dictionary containing entries in the form: placeholder:value. Upon writing the .ui file for the installer definition the library the generates, all "replacements" in the content will be resolved.

TODO: elaborate on ui replacements, the "resolve" function, provide a base example .ui...


This class is derived from QtIfwUiPage. As one would assume, this provides a base from which to start modifying the "Target Directory" installer page. If another page has not been supplied for this, distbuilder will use this class to apply it's own default customization to the natural QtIfw interface.


QtIfwTargetDirPage()  # 0 arguments!


This class is derived from QtIfwUiPage. It does not require ANY form / .ui content passed to it. It provides a page layout with the only elements being title and description, which can both be set easily via arguments to the constructor of this class. That text may contain all valid QtIFW dynamic substitutions e.g. these Installer Variables, or directly using the @variable@ syntax. See

By providing an onLoad or onEnter script, you may define more comprehensive manipulations of the pages elements. Alternatively, you wish to specify no text or content at all for the page, other than perhaps including a message such as "working..." and then use the page as a place holder to perform a given process.
There are many imaginative ways for using this class as a convenient platform from which to start a custom, dynamic page.


QtIfwSimpleTextPage( name, pageOrder=None, 
                     title="", text="", 
                     onLoad=None, onEnter=None )


Objects of this type define the details for downloading and/or installing Python libraries via the pip utility. These objects are used directly by the installLibrary function as well indirectly via the obfuscation functions and support classes.


PipConfig( source = None
         , version = None
         , verEquality = "==" 
         , destPath = None
         , asSource = False
         , incDependencies = True        
         , isForced= False
         , isCacheUsed = True                
         , isUpgrade = False
         , otherPipArgs = "" )


pipCmdBase = "[PYTHON BINARY PATH]" -m pip
otherPipArgs  (open ended argument string)

TODO: Expand on this considerably...

The source attribute is the the "heart" of this class. It can take many different forms. Including library names registered at PyPi, local paths, and urls.

Other Notable attributes include incDpndncsSwitch, destPath and asSource. These allow you to skip dependency gathering if desired, install to a specific path such as a temp build directory, and to request raw .py scripts be placed there.

Note that remote raw pip packages will require an alternate vcs url be supplied to a "development" repository in place of the simple package name as the source attribute.
See editable installs


Objects of this type define obfuscation details for use by the Opy Library. Refer to the documentation for that library for details.

This library EXTENDS the natural OpyConfig, however, adding the attributes / features described below. See Obfuscation Features for a description of how objects of this type are used.


OpyConfig( name, entryPointPy=None,
           bundleLibs=None, sourceDir=None, patches=None )


bundleLibs (list of LibToBundle objects)
sourceDir (dynamically defined when ommited)
patches (list of OpyPatch objects)


See Obfuscation Features for a description of how objects of this type are used.


OpyPatch( relPath, patches, parentDir=OBFUS_DIR_PATH )




obfuscatePath( obfuscatedFileDict )        


See Obfuscation Features for a description of how objects of this type are used.


LibToBundle( name, localDirPath=None, pipConfig=None, isObfuscated=False )

